
Invited Speakers (provisional list). Richard Arena (Professor of Economics, UCA -University Nice-Sophia Antipolis) on Economic growth and structural dynamics: the teachings from the golden age yearsPascal Bridel (Professor, University of Lausanne) on Radical changes and transitions: Monetary theory as a non-asymptotic theory. José Luís Cardoso (Professor, University of Lisbon, Portugal), "Napoleonic Wars and Continental Blockade: a new context for new approaches in political economy"Claude Diebolt (Director of research at the CNRS, BETA Strasbourg) on Cliometrics of Growth and Economic Cycles. Contemporary Advances on Rare Events, Radical Changes and Transitions. Silvia Marzagalli (Professor of History, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, IUF), on Radical changes and the economic impact of warfare in the long 18th century in historical perspectivesJean-Pierre Potier (Professor of Economics, University of Lyon II) on Long-term stagnation: a reappraisal of the debate between Joseph A. Schumpeter and Alvin H. Hansen during the 1930s and 1940sZouboulakis Michel (Professor at the University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece) about The autonomy of economics and its interaction(s) with the other social sciences after 2008.






 Monday, September 5th

 8:45 Registration

 9:00 Opening speech of the Summer School

 Paul Marie Romani, André Lapidus and Richard Arena


9:30-10:30 Seminar 1

 Chair: Harald Hagemann

 Richard Arena (Professor of Economics, UCA -University Nice-Sophia Antipolis) on Economic growth and structural dynamics: the teachings from the golden age years.


 10:30- 11:00 Coffee break

11:00-12:30 Seminar 2

Chair: Muriel Dal Pont Legrand

Claude Diebolt (Director of research at the CNRS, BETA Strasbourg) on Cliometrics of Growth and Economic Cycles. Contemporary Advances on Rare Events, Radical Changes and Transitions.

12:30-13:30 Lunch

16:00 – 18:30 Workshop I - History of Macroeconomics

Chair: Harald Hagemann

Sonia Mansieri

“Growth and Public Debt: New Insight into Domar’s Work” (discussed by Hugo Chu)

Hugo Chu

“Stabilizing Representative Agent in Macreconomics” (discussed by Sonia Mansieri)

Daouda Drabo

“Nogaro’positive theory of money: contribution to the explanation of the monetary crises” (discussed by Samuel Demeulemeester)

18:30 Welcome drink

Tuesday, September 6th

9:00-10:30 Seminar III

Chair: Alfonso Sanchez

Jean-Pierre Potier (Professor of Economics, University of Lyon II) on Long-term stagnation: a reappraisal of the debate between Joseph A. Schumpeter and Alvin H. Hansen during the 1930s and 1940s.

10:30-11:00 Coffee break1

11:00 -12h00 Workshop II - History and Economic Development

Chair: Pascal Bridel

Maria Dahl

A Western Idea of Development: What shaped the idea of Indian Political Economy, 1870-1901 (discussed by Adriana Calcagno)

Adriana Calcagno

“Prebisch’s turning point in his theoretical framework: the key role of the Great Depression in Argentina” (discussed by Luis Bruzzi)

12:00-13:00 Lunch

15:00-16:30 Seminar IV

Chair: Annalisa Rosselli

Pascal Bridel (Professor, University of Lausanne) on Radical changes and transitions: Monetary theory as a non-asymptotic theory.

16:30-17:00 Coffee break

17:00-18:30 Workshop III - History of Microeconomics

Chair: André LAPIDUS

Tom Juille

What about Identity Can be Learned from Anonymity ?” (discussed by Ramzi Klabi)

David Philippy

“Governance and Behavioural Knowledge” (discussed by Tom Juille)

Remy Guichardaz

“Intellectual property controversy in the XIX century, a comparative analysis of the arguments of Proudhon and Walras in the light of their conception of justice” (discussed by Sofia Valeonti)

18:30-19:30 – Tutorials I

Wednesday, September 7th  

9:00-10:30 Workshop IV - Debates in History of Monetary Thought

Chair: Nathalie Sigot

Samuel Demeulemeester

“Irving Fisher’s 100% Money Plan (1935) as an Ideal Solution for Monetary Control: Reasoning and Criticisms” (discussed by Mathieu Alban)

Marion Dieudonné

“Emergence of Corporate Finance as Academic Discipline (1890-1929): an Institutionalist Observation” (discussed by Douada Drabo)

Sofia Valeonti

“The monetary theory of Carey:  a reply to the greenbacks debate” (discussed by Thibault Guicherd)

10:30-11:00 Coffee breaK

11:00-12:30 – Tutorials II

12:30-13:30 Lunch

Free afternoon

Thursday, September 8th  

9:00-10:30 Seminar V

Chair: Nathalie Sigot

Jean- Zouboulakis Michel (Professor at the University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece) about The autonomy of economics and its interaction(s) with the other social sciences after 2008.

10:30-11:00 Coffee break

11:00-12:30 Workshop V - History of Monetary Theory

Chair: Annalisa Rosselli

Mathieu Alban

“The Notion of Endogeneity in the Theory of Optimum Currency Areas: A Reinterpretation” (discussed by Marion Dieudonné)

Luis Bruzzi

“The dissemination of Adolph Wagner’s economic thought in Brazil: monetary theory, public finance and international trade” (discussed bySébastien Koci)

Ramzi Klabi

“Psychological Time and Relativity in Maurice Allais’s Restatement of The Quantity Theory of Money” (discussed by David Philippy)

12:30-13:30 Lunch

15:30-16:30 Seminar VII Economic Philosophy

Chair: Cinla Akdere

Sébastien Koci

“Henry Sidgwick and the Kantian philosophy in The Methods of Ethics” (discussed by Thomas Ruellou)

Cyrielle Poiraud

“Formal equality and the issue of recognition regarding social justice theories: a Hegelian perspective” (discussed by Ecem Okam)

16:30-17:00 Coffee break

17:00 – 17:30- Seminar VII Economic Philosophy (suite)

Ecem Okam

“Hume on the origin of government: a conjectural history?” (discussed by Cyrielle Poiraud)

17:30- 18:30 Workshop VI - - Discussions on Journals in History of Economic Thought

José Luis Cardoso and Muriel Dal Pont Legrand

Friday, September 9th  

9:00-10:30-  Seminar VIII

Chair: Richard Arena

Silvia Marzagalli (Professor of History, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, IUF), on Radical changes and the economic impact of warfare in the long 18th century in historical perspectives.

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:30 Seminar IX

Chair: Ragip Ege

José Luís Cardoso (Professor, University of Lisbon, Portugal), "Napoleonic Wars and Continental Blockade: a new context for new approaches in political economy".

12:30-13:30 Lunch

15:30-16:30 Workshop VII - Varia

Chair: Michel Zouboulakis

Bruno Vilagra

“Manuel Joaquim Rebelo and the chamber of commerce: debates on economic practices in Portugal in late 18th century” (discussed by Remy Guichardaz)

Thomas Ruellou

“The chess-board and the legislator. Adam Smith and Dugald Stewart on the “core” of economical systems” (discussed by Yara Zeineddine)

16:30-17:00 Coffee Break

17:00-18:00 Workshop VIII - Varia

Chair: José Luis Cardoso

Yara Zeineddine

“ Understanding the definition of a “capital” rooted in the “peasant morality” in Joan Robinson’s work” (discussed by Maria Dahl )


Thibaut Guicherd

Edward H. Chamberlin and Joan V. Robinson theories of competition: a case of multiple discovery ?” (discussed by Bruno Vilagra)

Saturday, September 10th  

9:30-11:30 Closing meeting of the Summer School

Chairs: Richard Arena, André Lapidus

Various remarks

Next Summer School





21 students


Cinla Adkere

Yara Zeineddine


Richard Arena




Pascal Bridel




José Luis Cardoso


Luis Bruzzi


Muriel Dal Pont




Ragip Ege

Ecem Okan




Harald Hagemann






Jean-Pierre Potier






Annalisa Rosselli




Alfonso Sanchez




Nathalie Sigot




 Michel Zouboulakis






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